5 things you need to know about “building”

“Do you know who you are? Do you understand what has happened to you? Do you want to live this way?” – Christina Yang, Grey’s Anatomy I was knee-deep in questioning my life when this quote hit my chest. What is my life and what is going on? – I ask myself this question every

I tried to take up a #100PostsADay Challenge and failed miserably. This series is about failure and learning to accept it.

Reflections on 2020: the year we never asked for, never expected, but survived nonetheless.

Anifa Mvuemba and her team at Hanifa broke the internet when she unveiled her newest collection using animated 3D Models and the power of social media.

Valentine’s Day is around the corner. In the spirit of “love”, I’ve opened up on how I view this phenomenon and what it means to me.

You’re ready. You can feel it. You’ve got the vision in your mind, you have the process rolled out, and you know that you’re ready to start. But, you haven’t. January was a test run. You’re easing into February. Deep down, however, you know that it’s not about the month. It’s about the daily struggle

A simple, 5-step method to help you create realistic goals that you can work on and finish by the end of the year.